Yesterday's 2007 Twin Cities Marathon was the hotest in the history of the event. Hundreds of volunteers manned water stations along the course to provide drinks to the sweltering runners. In addition to water the runners were served PowerAide, a blue energy drink for CocaCola.
The following is a photo essay that tells the story of a few of the thousands of blue PowerAide cups provided to runners.

6:43am - Volunteers fill PowerAid cups at the Medtronic water station at mile 19 of the marathon course.

7:39am - A runner in the Twin Cites 10 Mile race grabs a cup of PowerAide at the 3 mile point of their race. The temperature is already over 70 degrees.

7:42am - A Twin Cities 10 mile runner gets a drink and waves to a friend at the 3 mile water stop.

11:02am - A line of volunteers pass cups to runners in the middle of the pack at mile 19 of the marathon.

11:29am - The heat of the day has slowed runners to a walk in a sea of discarded cups at mile 22.

11:56am - A volunteer rakes up discarded cups at the last water stop at mile 25.
Note: The photos in this collection were shot by Eric Bowen for Competitive Image ( as the official photographers of the Twin Cities Marathon.